

  1. 支援非華語學生學習中國語文。
    • Assisting Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students in Chinese learning
  2. 加強與非華語學生家長溝通,達至家校合作。
    • Strengthening the communication and cooperation between the parents of NCS students and the school.
  3. 推廣共融校園文化
    • Promoting an inclusive campus culture
    1. 聘請人手,協助非華語學生於課堂學習中文,並與非華語學生家長聯繫,以協助家長了解其子女在校的學習進度及表現。
      • Hiring a teacher to provide in-class support to NCS students, and to keep contact with the parents of NCS students to help them understand their children’s learning progress and performance.
    2. 為非華語學生提供課前/課後個別學習輔導及學習小組。
      • Arranging one-on-one remedial learning session and group learning session for NCS students.
    1. 因應非華語學生的能力及進度,編寫額外的學習材料。
      • Tailor-made extra Chinese learning resources for NCS students.
    1. 購買多元化學與教資源,以提升非華語學生學習中文的興趣。
      • Purchasing teaching and learning resources to boost the learning interest of the NCS students towards Chinese.
    1. 外借學習資源予非華語學生及其家長,以鼓勵非華語學生家長在家中能持續陪伴子女學習中文。
      •  Lending learning resources to the parents of NCS students in order to encourage them to extend Chinese learning with their children at home.
    1. 舉辦共融活動,加深非華語與本地學生互相認識彼此的文化,從而達至互相尊重。
      • Holding activities which promote inclusive culture in order to strengthen mutual understanding and respect among students with different cultural backgrounds.
    學校支援摘要(School Support Summary)︰